Pregnancy supplements comparison chart

Choosing the right pre-conception & pregnancy (or prenatal) supplement is important. Elevit provides the essentials nutrients needed for baby’s healthy development and is a one a day tablet, making it an easy way to support your baby’s health, and your own.


Does not meet RDI

Meets RDI

Scroll across 

Name of micronutrientFolateElemental IronIodine
Australian recommended daily intake1


Product comparisonProduct daily dosage (μg)Product daily dosage (mg)Product daily dosage (μg)
Elevit Pre-conception & Pregnancy
(1 tab daily)
Blackmores Pregnancy
and Breastfeeding Gold
(2 caps daily)
Blackmores Conceive Well (1 tab + 1 cap daily) 50024150
Blackmores Folate (1 tab daily)50000
Blackmores i-Folic (1 tab daily)5000150
Cenovis Folic Acid 50000
Megafol 0.5 (1 tab daily) 50000
Megafol 5 (1 tab daily)500000
Fefol Multi-Preg (1 cap daily) 50012 250
Fabfol (1 tab daily)50012150
Eagle Tresos Natal(1 tab daily)2507.5270
Swisse Ultinatal Pre-Conception & Pregnancy Multivitamin (2 caps daily) 50010220
Bioceuticals InNatal (2 caps daily) 5000270
Bioceuticals InNatal Plus Iron (2 caps daily)20015270
Forever Mum Preconception+ Pregnancy (1 cap daily)4005150

Pregnancy Products

Elevit Pre-conception & Pregnancy Multivitamin

Pre 1st trimester

Elevit is a pre-conception and pregnancy multivitamin supplement that has been scientifically formulated to help meet the increased nutritional needs of women who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant.

Elevit DHA & Choline Pregnancy

Elevit DHA & Choline Pregnancy is a scientific formulation designed to support placenta health during pregnancy and your growing baby’s healthy brain and nervous system development.

Elevit Probiotics

Elevit Probiotics offer a scientific formula with billions of healthy probiotic strains to support immunity and gut health.