Breastfeeding tips and advice

For women who choose to breastfeed, nursing a baby can be extremely rewarding. Breastfeeding is a skill you and your baby will learn together and, like anything new, it can take time. It may benefit you to get help from a breastfeeding expert. 
Read on for breastfeeding tips and advice on the role of supplements and vitamins for lactation.

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Benefits of breastfeeding

For the first few months, your baby can survive – and thrive – on breastmilk alone. It contains the perfect mix of nutrients needed for growth and helps protect against infections and allergies. 

It also has physical and emotional benefits for you both. Many women enjoy bonding through breastfeeding. Once you get the hang of it, breastfeeding can be one of the most peaceful times of the day. 

Breastfeeding also releases a hormone that encourages your uterus to contract back to its previous size. You will find that breastfeeding can help you burn calories and get back into your favourite jeans quicker.

What if I struggle to breastfeed?

We aren’t born knowing how to do this, and many new mums need help with breastfeeding. Don’t be afraid to ask your midwife, nurse, or GP for support. You can also phone the 24-hour National Breastfeeding Help Hotline on 1800 686 268. 

Another service you can contact for advice is Tresillian. They have a parent helpline ( 1300 272 736) and some great breastfeeding advice and tips.

What is in breast milk?

Human breast milk is generally made of 87% water, 4% fat, 1% protein, and 7% lactose. It also adapts to the changing needs of your child as it grows. For example, in the first few days after birth, you will produce what is known as colostrum, which is a sticky, yellow-coloured liquid. The benefits of colostrum include protecting your baby from infection and helping build their immune system. After a few days, your breastmilk will look more recognisably like milk.

Choosing a breastfeeding supplement

According to the federal government website, breastfeeding mums are likely to need a breastfeeding supplement with iodine and folate. Other guidelines, including the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG), recommend that all breastfeeding women take an iodine-containing supplement.17 

Elevit Breastfeeding is specially tailored to support the increased nutritional requirements of breastfeeding mums. It supports milk production and energy levels, as it contains both folic acid (a form of folate) and iodine. Its formula also includes: 

  • Lutein and beta-carotene: support healthy development of your baby’s overall vision and eye health
  • Omega-3 (DHA): promotes healthy development of a baby’s brain and vision
  • B-group vitamins and iron: assist with energy requirements
  • Vitamin D: aids calcium absorption
  • Zinc and vitamin C: support immunity

What to take during breastfeeding?